They Said What? Managing Social Media Situational Awareness for Communications Professionals Workshop

They Said What? Managing Social Media Situational Awareness for Communications Professionals Workshop

They Said What? Managing Social Media Situational Awareness for Communications Professionals Workshop

This interactive, virtual workshop provides strategies for maintaining situational awareness through social media and its resources to ensure approved information is available for decision-making. Learn to interact with social media tools and apply techniques for situational awareness to aid your risk communication plan. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

1pm – 4pm est

Location: Adobe Connect

This participatory workshop uses interactive engagement, group discussion, and scenario-based activities. Webcam use is preferred for all participants and microphones and reliable internet are required.

Public Event

Virtual, Facilitator Led

Three Hours

Please review the terms and conditions in the Course Agreement.  Please review Eventbrite’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for complete details.

Registration Deadline June 7, 2021

Register 4 or more attendees and receive a 10% discount.

Select 4+ Registrants in the eventbrite registration above.

Subscription packages: Purchase 4 workshops for $699.

Email [email protected] to enquire.

SHRM Recertification provider

SummitET is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


Master social media monitoring and the role it plays in enhancing situational awareness during a crisis.  

Identify key sources for information monitoring on social media.  

Review the steps for successful social media monitoring and informed strategic communication decision-making.  

Determine the purpose, benefits, and uses of search platforms on social media.  


Knowledge Checks


Breakout room activities

Scenario-based interactive exercises

Who Should

This course is open to anyone present in the United States at the time of the live event.

Corporate Communications


Emergency Management

Emergency Medical Services


Fire & Rescue Services


Health Care

Higher Education

Human Resources

Law Enforcement



Public Health

Public Relations

Public Safety Communications

Public Works

Senior Leadership

Subject-Matter Experts

Monitoring Social Media

There are several steps for ensuring your organization is positioned well to monitor incidents and events, gauge the effectiveness of messaging, and adjust communication strategies to be most effective.

Meet the Facilitators

Mark Basnight Image

Mark Basnight

SummitET® Vice President of Communications and Marketing

As Vice President of Communications and Marketing, Mark is responsible for developing and implementing the long-term communication & marketing vision for Summit Exercises & Training®.

Mark is a John Maxwell Team certified speaker, trainer, coach, and a graduate of the Charlotte Leadership Forum. He is a member of the National Association of Government Communicators, and a U.S. Army Veteran. Mark is a founding member and a past Chair for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Virtual Social Media Working Group. He served as a Lead Public Information Officer during the 2012 Democratic National Convention and had a significant role in planning, coordinating and implementing the Joint Information Center for Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Mark is an alumnus of the inaugural FEMA 389 Masters Public Information Officer Program and a former adjunct instructor for the Emergency Management Institute (Emmitsburg, MD). He has been a keynote speaker, trainer, and panelist for numerous conferences including the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Communication School, National Information Officers Association (NIOA) Conference, National Emergency Manager Association (NEMA) Conference, National Radiological Emergency Preparedness (NREP) Conference, Government Social Media Conference, Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Conference, and Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference. Mark has also been a speaker and trainer internationally for the governments of Seoul, Korea, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Taipei, Taiwan.


Holly Hardin Image

Holly Hardin

SummitET® Strategic Communications Program Manager

As the Strategic Communications Program Manager at SummitET Holly manages, develops, and delivers public affairs, risk and crisis communication and emergency public information training, exercise support, and technical assistance. Holly also manages strategic communications research analysis, in addition to developing publications related to the enhancement of advanced communications systems for public safety and health.

Prior to joining SummitET, Holly served as an Emergency Management Communications Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory and co-established the Public Affairs Science and Technology Fusion Cell, as well as the National Public Affairs Academy. At Argonne, Holly was responsible for assisting government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector groups with plans, protocols, procedures, training, and exercises relating to internal and external affairs. Prior to Argonne, Holly worked for the Department of Justice in counterterrorism programs and was a first responder in the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation Joint Information Center where she also managed a cadre of technical experts and provided risk and crisis communication and digital/social media expertise to Federal, state, and local government agencies, in addition to the commercial nuclear industry.



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Feeling in the Facts: Connecting with Disconnected Audiences Workshop

Feeling in the Facts: Connecting with Disconnected Audiences Workshop

Feeling in the Facts: Connecting with Disconnected Audiences Workshop

Communicators must include influential cognitive factors at all levels of risk communication frameworks for successful messaging. Risk messaging must be transparent, relatable, simple, straightforwardclear, and the source of communication must be trusted. 

This interactive, virtual workshop addresses the importance of storytelling, myths versus truths of risk communication, and the effects of cognitive dissonance on risk communication.   At the end of the workshop, participants will  apply risk communication concepts and disaster management messaging best practices to produce desirable public reaction and solidify public sentiment.  

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

1pm – 4pm est

Location: Adobe Connect

This participatory workshop uses interactive engagement, group discussion, and scenario-based activities. Webcam use is preferred for all participants and microphones and reliable internet are required.

Public Event

Virtual, Facilitator Led

Three Hours

Please review the terms and conditions in the Course Agreement.  Please review Eventbrite’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for complete details.

Registration Deadline April 26, 2021

Register 4 or more attendees and receive a 10% discount.

Select 4+ Registrants in the eventbrite registration above.

Subscription packages: Purchase 4 workshops for $699.

Email [email protected] to enquire.

SHRM Recertification provider

SummitET is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


Identify solutions for connecting with disconnected audiences using influential cognitive factors. 

Develop strategies for addressing risk communication myths versus truths to better inform intended audiences. 

Demonstrate the ability to incorporate storytelling into risk communication strategies. 

Discuss best practices and lessons learned. 


Knowledge Checks


Breakout room activities

Scenario-based interactive exercises

Who Should

This course is open to anyone present in the United States at the time of the live event.

Corporate Communications


Emergency Management

Emergency Medical Services


Fire & Rescue Services


Health Care

Higher Education

Human Resources

Law Enforcement



Public Health

Public Relations

Public Safety Communications

Public Works

Senior Leadership

Subject-Matter Experts

Meet the Facilitators

Mark Basnight Image

Mark Basnight

SummitET® Vice President of Communications and Marketing

As Vice President of Communications and Marketing, Mark is responsible for developing and implementing the long-term communication & marketing vision for Summit Exercises & Training®.

Mark is a John Maxwell Team certified speaker, trainer, coach, and a graduate of the Charlotte Leadership Forum. He is a member of the National Association of Government Communicators, and a U.S. Army Veteran. Mark is a founding member and a past Chair for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Virtual Social Media Working Group. He served as a Lead Public Information Officer during the 2012 Democratic National Convention and had a significant role in planning, coordinating and implementing the Joint Information Center for Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Mark is an alumnus of the inaugural FEMA 389 Masters Public Information Officer Program and a former adjunct instructor for the Emergency Management Institute (Emmitsburg, MD). He has been a keynote speaker, trainer, and panelist for numerous conferences including the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Communication School, National Information Officers Association (NIOA) Conference, National Emergency Manager Association (NEMA) Conference, National Radiological Emergency Preparedness (NREP) Conference, Government Social Media Conference, Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Conference, and Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference. Mark has also been a speaker and trainer internationally for the governments of Seoul, Korea, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Taipei, Taiwan.


Holly Hardin Image

Holly Hardin

SummitET® Strategic Communications Program Manager

As the Strategic Communications Program Manager at SummitET Holly manages, develops, and delivers public affairs, risk and crisis communication and emergency public information training, exercise support, and technical assistance. Holly also manages strategic communications research analysis, in addition to developing publications related to the enhancement of advanced communications systems for public safety and health.

Prior to joining SummitET, Holly served as an Emergency Management Communications Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory and co-established the Public Affairs Science and Technology Fusion Cell, as well as the National Public Affairs Academy. At Argonne, Holly was responsible for assisting government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector groups with plans, protocols, procedures, training, and exercises relating to internal and external affairs. Prior to Argonne, Holly worked for the Department of Justice in counterterrorism programs and was a first responder in the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation Joint Information Center where she also managed a cadre of technical experts and provided risk and crisis communication and digital/social media expertise to Federal, state, and local government agencies, in addition to the commercial nuclear industry.



Contact our team at [email protected]

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Benefits of Enhanced Crisis Communication Skills

Benefits of Enhanced Crisis Communication Skills

Enhanced crisis communication skills help organizations meet the growing demands for information related to an emergency event. Organizations need skilled and practiced spokespersons to communicate effectively with stakeholders and the media about natural, technical, or manmade disasters. Spokespersons should be prepared to address a wide-range of emergency-related issues and topics from national and international news agencies. Having a well-developed crisis communication strategy increases your organization’s trust and credibility factors with stakeholders. Crisis communication training, which is science-based, is grounded in communications principles, best practices, and practical experience to enhance acceptance of important information during a crisis event. 

The Benefits of Crisis Communications Skills

Build Trust 

Building trust is critical when developing crisis messaging and gaining stakeholders’ trust. Using multiple communication platforms such as social media, texting, live streaming, etc., can create challenges with message consistencyBuild trust by using the same or similar language and references across all communication platforms reassures stakeholders and ensures message consistency. Consistency in crisis communication message development and delivery is key in trust-building during a crisis. Developing and deploying consistent crisis communication strategies ensure coordination and approval processes are preplanned, preapproved, and ready for dissemination prior to an emergency event.

Enhance You and Your Teams Image 

Enhanced crisis communication builds trust with stakeholders, provides your organization with feedback, and ensures dissemination of reliable information to stakeholders. Enhanced crisis communication can also promote a positive organizational image during a crisis event. In today’s social media-dominated world, especially with a crisis-related event, it is critical for organizations to maximize their crisis communication strategies as a medium for informing their stakeholder and preserving their organizational reputation. 

Improve Productivity 

Improving productivity during a crisis is critical to organizational success and image-building. Productivity fosters a sense of belonging, establishes stronger working relationships among staff members, creates an environment of trust and empowerment, and ensures decision making is for the common good of both internal and external stakeholders. Appropriate crisis communication management is vital in preserving organizational integrity. 

Adapt to Change 

Today’s technology has created globally diverse communication environments which can present many challenges during a crisis event. During a crisis event, it is imperative organizations avoid communication regret(s). These regrets can have immediate and long-lasting impact(s) on organizations. Avoid these impacts through planning, training, and preparation. Developing and exercising a comprehensive crisis communication using a variety of social media platforms, texting, streaming news conferences, etc., prepares organizations for timely and accurate dissemination of information and lessens opportunities for communication regret. 

Resolve Problems Quickly 

Using social media and off-the-shelf, low-cost technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Trello, etc., positions your organization to manage communications more effectively. Incorporating social media into your information management cycle provides consistent, coordinated, and timely information pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. Leadingprior to and post-crisis, is as important as leading during a crisis.  

Career Progression 

Not only will the ability to communicate effectively with your team members and employees enable good rapportit ensures your ability to affect change or action. In the ever-changing world where immediacy is everything, enhanced, strategic communication skills can help you meet stakeholder expectations and manage effectively.  

Where to Start 

Our Enhanced Crisis Communication virtual or in-person workshops provide participants with crisis communication methodologies and strategies. Crisis communication principles, psychology of messaging, establishing trust and credibility, key message development, and working with the media and social media are addressed. Additionally, SummitET’s crisis communication experts offer practical solutions for building relationships, enhancing internal and external communications, streamlining information coordination and approval processes, and enhancing information management cycle during a crisis. 

Upcoming Virtual Interactive Workshops

SummitET® is recognized by SHRM and offers Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit 

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Virtual Media Relations Practice

Virtual Media Relations Practice

Virtual Media Relations Practice

This virtual workshop prepares participants to enhance their communication skills and practice using digital communications tools and techniques for effective media relations. Using interactive and participatory methods, this course provides participants with the opportunity to practice effective media relations techniques using a variety of interview methods and digital communications tools.

For Corporations
& Agencies

In-Person &
Virtual Capabilities

Length Options


Prepare leadership, subject-matter experts and communicators to develop key messages and talking points using a message map.

Effectively communicate key messages and talking point using virtual tools.

Demonstrate effective remote interview skills using virtual tools and techniques.


Knowledge checks


Interactive Activities

Virtual interviews using various digital tools and techniques


Corporate Communications

Decision-Makers and Leadership

Emergency Management

Emergency Medical Services


Human Resources

Health Care

Higher Education


Law Enforcement

Public Health

Public Safety

Public Works

SHRM Recertification provider

SummitET is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

Workshop Length Options

See all Corporate Workshops

Meet the Facilitators

Mark Basnight Image

Mark Basnight

SummitET® Vice President of Communications and Marketing

As Vice President of Communications and Marketing, Mark is responsible for developing and implementing the long-term communication & marketing vision for Summit Exercises & Training®.

Mark is a John Maxwell Team certified speaker, trainer, coach, and a graduate of the Charlotte Leadership Forum. He is a member of the National Association of Government Communicators, and a U.S. Army Veteran. Mark is a founding member and a past Chair for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Virtual Social Media Working Group. He served as a Lead Public Information Officer during the 2012 Democratic National Convention and had a significant role in planning, coordinating and implementing the Joint Information Center for Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Mark is an alumnus of the inaugural FEMA 389 Masters Public Information Officer Program and a former adjunct instructor for the Emergency Management Institute (Emmitsburg, MD). He has been a keynote speaker, trainer, and panelist for numerous conferences including the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Communication School, National Information Officers Association (NIOA) Conference, National Emergency Manager Association (NEMA) Conference, National Radiological Emergency Preparedness (NREP) Conference, Government Social Media Conference, Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Conference, and Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference. Mark has also been a speaker and trainer internationally for the governments of Seoul, Korea, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Taipei, Taiwan.


Holly Hardin Image

Holly Hardin

SummitET® Strategic Communications Program Manager

As the Strategic Communications Program Manager at SummitET Holly manages, develops, and delivers public affairs, risk and crisis communication and emergency public information training, exercise support, and technical assistance. Holly also manages strategic communications research analysis, in addition to developing publications related to the enhancement of advanced communications systems for public safety and health.

Prior to joining SummitET, Holly served as an Emergency Management Communications Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory and co-established the Public Affairs Science and Technology Fusion Cell, as well as the National Public Affairs Academy. At Argonne, Holly was responsible for assisting government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector groups with plans, protocols, procedures, training, and exercises relating to internal and external affairs. Prior to Argonne, Holly worked for the Department of Justice in counterterrorism programs and was a first responder in the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation Joint Information Center where she also managed a cadre of technical experts and provided risk and crisis communication and digital/social media expertise to Federal, state, and local government agencies, in addition to the commercial nuclear industry.


Get Started

Complete the form below to get started with this workshop for your company or agency.  Our strategic communications experts will contact you within approximately 1-2 business days. 

[wpforms id="2157"]


Contact our team at [email protected]

Corporate Workshops

See more popular workshops for corporations and agencies.

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Building Resiliency: Virtual Joint Information System Methodology & Practice

Building Resiliency: Virtual Joint Information System Methodology & Practice

Building Resiliency: Virtual Joint Information System Methodology & Practice

There is no community resiliency without communication resiliency, and effective communication requires resiliency – especially during the current environment when operations are largely virtual. This Virtual Joint Information System Methodology and Practice is a three-hour workshop that offers practical solutions for crisis communications during threats and incidents that build relationships, enhance internal and external communications, streamline information coordination and approval processes, enhance the information management cycle, and build resiliency for the virtual Joint Information System/Joint Information Center.

Building resiliency is key for effective preparedness, and communications resiliency is a crucial component of an organization’s success.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

1pm – 4pm est

Location: Adobe Connect

This participatory workshop uses interactive engagement, group discussion, and scenario-based activities. Webcam use is preferred for all participants and microphones and reliable internet are required.

Public Event

Virtual, Facilitator Led

Three Hours

Please review the terms and conditions in the Course Agreement.  Please review Eventbrite’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for complete details.

10% Discount when you regiter 4 or more attendees.

Registration Deadline March 30, 2021

SHRM Recertification provider

SummitET is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


Develop strategies for incorporating digital and social media and new technology into the Information Management Cycle.

Develop strategies for incorporating digital and social media and new technology into the Joint Information System and Joint Information Center.

Identify resiliency solutions for Virtual Joint Information System and Joint Information Center.

Discuss best practices and lessons learned.


Knowledge checks


Break-out room activities

Scenario-based interactive exercises

Who Should

This course is open to anyone present in the United States at the time of the live event.

Corporate Communications


Digital Media Managers/Coordinators/Specialists

Emergency Management

Emergency Medical Services

Fire & Rescue Services


Health Care

Higher Education

Human Resources

Law Enforcement


Public HealthPublic Relations

Public Safety Communications

Public Works

Social Media Managers/Coordinators/Specialists


Meet the Facilitators

Mark Basnight Image

Mark Basnight

SummitET® Vice President of Communications and Marketing

As Vice President of Communications and Marketing, Mark is responsible for developing and implementing the long-term communication & marketing vision for Summit Exercises & Training®.

Mark is a John Maxwell Team certified speaker, trainer, coach, and a graduate of the Charlotte Leadership Forum. He is a member of the National Association of Government Communicators, and a U.S. Army Veteran. Mark is a founding member and a past Chair for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Virtual Social Media Working Group. He served as a Lead Public Information Officer during the 2012 Democratic National Convention and had a significant role in planning, coordinating and implementing the Joint Information Center for Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Mark is an alumnus of the inaugural FEMA 389 Masters Public Information Officer Program and a former adjunct instructor for the Emergency Management Institute (Emmitsburg, MD). He has been a keynote speaker, trainer, and panelist for numerous conferences including the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Communication School, National Information Officers Association (NIOA) Conference, National Emergency Manager Association (NEMA) Conference, National Radiological Emergency Preparedness (NREP) Conference, Government Social Media Conference, Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Conference, and Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference. Mark has also been a speaker and trainer internationally for the governments of Seoul, Korea, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Taipei, Taiwan.


Holly Hardin Image

Holly Hardin

SummitET® Strategic Communications Program Manager

As the Strategic Communications Program Manager at SummitET Holly manages, develops, and delivers public affairs, risk and crisis communication and emergency public information training, exercise support, and technical assistance. Holly also manages strategic communications research analysis, in addition to developing publications related to the enhancement of advanced communications systems for public safety and health.

Prior to joining SummitET, Holly served as an Emergency Management Communications Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory and co-established the Public Affairs Science and Technology Fusion Cell, as well as the National Public Affairs Academy. At Argonne, Holly was responsible for assisting government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector groups with plans, protocols, procedures, training, and exercises relating to internal and external affairs. Prior to Argonne, Holly worked for the Department of Justice in counterterrorism programs and was a first responder in the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation Joint Information Center where she also managed a cadre of technical experts and provided risk and crisis communication and digital/social media expertise to Federal, state, and local government agencies, in addition to the commercial nuclear industry.



Contact our team at [email protected]

What is a Virtual JIS/JIC?

Learn the benefits and purpose of the Virtual Joint Information System.

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