By John Duda and Scott J. Glick
Even though tabletop exercises (TTXs) have been used for decades, an industry standard has not emerged on how to evaluate their effectiveness. Since 2012, John Duda, CEO of SummitET, has noted the lack of an industry standard for quantitative assessments of TTXs, which prompted him to develop a rubric for analyzing and measuring exercise effectiveness. Based on their extensive exercise experience in both the government and the private sector, Mr. Duda and Scott J. Glick, SummitET’s General Counsel, have refined the rubric and its scoring of various exercise factors into what they call the XF ScoreTM, which they discuss in their article published by the Domestic Preparedness Journal entitled Creating A New Standard for Evaluating Tabletop Exercises.
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John Duda

Scott Glick
General Counsel
News Media Drills and Exercises
By combining all elements of news media into simulation exercises, you can ensure your team stands ready to interact in real-time with the media in the face of a crisis.
Checklist for Designing a Successful Tabletop Exercise
The design of a tabletop exercise (TTX) has a profound impact on the success of the TTX. This checklist will help ensure critical design elements are present for a successful exercise.
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