Contract Vehicles
Large Category: Professional Services
Business Administrative Services Technical and Engineering Services (non-IT) Training
R408 Program Management/Support Services R704 Support Management: Auditing R425 Support- Professional: Engineering/Technical
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Assessment Exercises Modeling and Simulations Support
The Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), has a requirement for Assessment, Exercise, and Modeling and Simulation Support for the Small Business Pool.
SummitET excels in the training and exercise requirements of this contract including;
- Providing exercise planning assistance, including all logistics and administrative assistance for full scale, command post, table top exercises.
- Planning, coordinating, and facilitating training and exercise events utilizing real world intelligence based scenarios to validate new technologies and emerging tactics, techniques, and procedures.
- Developing and conduct national-level nuclear weapon incident exercises.
- CBRNE consequence management exercises
- Conducting classified and unclassified training and exercises to test, validate, and improve U.S. nuclear weapon accident and incident response capabilities and consequence management policy and procedures
- Training on guard and response forces and work to enhance integration of response procedures with physical security systems.
- Developing sustainable counter CBRNE capabilities domestically and internationally.
- Identify and enhance domestic and international counter CBRNE partnerships through the conduct of both domestic and international training events which provide tailored and targeted counter CBRNE curriculum designed to establish and/or increase awareness of existing and potential CBRNE threats.
- Assisting Partner Nations (PNs) with enhancing or establishing their capacity to deter, detect, interdict, and respond to proliferation of WMDs and related materials across their borders and through their territories.
- Working with partner countries to develop, test, and implement an integrated national-level response capability, especially to improve PN’s capabilities to be interoperable with U.S. response forces.
- Conducting counter proliferation interdiction planning, exercises, and operational activities
The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consortium was formed in response to the Government’s expressed interest to establish an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) with an eligible entity or group of entities, to include industry, academic, and not-for-profit partners, for advanced development efforts to support the Department of Defense’s (DoD) medical pharmaceutical and diagnostic requirements as related to enhancing the mission effectiveness of military personnel.
Specifically, SummitET has capabilities in CBRNE detection, provention, and protection.
Additional Certifications
ISO 9001:2015
Certification for Total Quality Management
SummitET is working to obtain the ISO 9001:2015 accreditation in order to maintain its high standards of customer service and product quality, boost internal productivity, and promote ongoing innovation. The widely accepted benchmark for developing, implementing, and upholding an extensive Quality Management System for a business is ISO 9001. An external auditor confirms as part of the certification process that the company has implemented and adheres to the standards in its business practices. SummitET obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification in 2023.
DoD Top Secret Facility Clearance Level (FCL)
An FCL is a determination made by the Government that SummitET is eligible for access to classified information.
Department of Energy Level Q Clearance
Q Sensitive allow access to Special Nuclear Material (SNM) category 1. Includes access to nuclear weapons design, manufacture, or use data.

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